Exploring scent as
a creative way of life


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Inspiration may be stimulated by empirical research, by reading, by thought experiments, and by mental exercises,  but its roots are often untraceable.

Ann Langley
Organization scholar
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Langley, A. (1999). Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management review, 24(4), 691-710, p. 708.

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Further to compensating our limited cognitive / sensual capacity to pay attention to everything that might be relevant at the same time, we came to understand that video recordings provide another opportunity. The data is extremely rich: multivocal, multilayered, multi-modal. Video-based methods are able to capture image, sound, temporality and movement concurrently, and thus augment textual (interview, field notes) or non moving visual (observational) data. They provide a «way into» studying the moving, thinking, and feeling body by making available socio-material interactions, gestural elements, facial expressions, temporal sequences and other elements that are difficult to record in field notes.

Nada Endrissat
organization scholars
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Endrissat, Ravasi, Mengis, & Sergi (2019). Interpreting aesthetic video data. Management, 22(2), 316-335.

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