Exploring scent as
a creative way of life

we are all children

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The only qualification I have is a school certificate I was awarded at thirteen … I am self taught and have become who I am through encounters with people and individuals and, of course, with their work.

Jean-Claude Ellena
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Ellena, J.-C. (2012). Diary of a Nose. Particular, p. 14 & Ellena, J.-C. (2011). Perfume: The alchemy of scent. Arcade Pub, p. 117.

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I do not create my perfumes with my nose but with my brain and even if I were to lose my sense of smell I could still invent and compose perfumes.

Edmond Roudnitska
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Edmond Roudnitska according to: Shiner, L., & Kriskovets, Y. (2007). The Aesthetics of Smelly Art. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 65(3), 273–286, p. 276.

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Magic, in order to achieve its greatest potency, must enter through the nose.

Bronislaw Malinowski
cultural anthropologist
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Malinowski, B. (1929). The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia; an ethnographic account of courtship, marriage and family life among the natives of the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea. New York, Eugenics Pub. Co, p. 448.

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Sometimes I walk around the lab, I look in my library of things, I go through it and (wonder: could this be something?) … Sometimes I think of things… You get the visual briefing and then you... There are a few days before you start…Me, I always get ideas when I don’t think of them, it’s always like that, in the shower or the gym.…I can be thinking about the holidays, I can be thinking of other things and then all of a sudden I say, oh…It comes. You can be walking around. You know, it brews.

Christophe Laudamiel
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Endrissat, N., Islam, G., & Noppeney, C. (2016). Visual organizing: Balancing coordination and creative freedom via mood boards. Journal of Business Research, 69(7), 2353–2362, p. 2356.

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