Exploring scent as
a creative way of life


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In all these names, but especially that of Shalimar (1925), a myth, a philosophical idea, or a narrative, hardly known to the general public at the time of the perfume’s debut, becomes part of the very image that the fragrance attempts to embody and, of course, to offer for consumption. Not only is the myth or story used to sell the scent, it becomes a narrative armature upon which the advertising, the slogan, the bottle, and the packaging are hung. Image and design depend on a story that needs to be taught to the consuming public at the same time the product, i.e., the perfume, is introduced. Publicity and pedagogy coincide. (…) The scent and the myth become one. As the product becomes a classic, the myth associated with it sinks its roots into the culture.

Richard Stamelman
scholar of cultural studies
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Stamelman, R. H. (2006). Perfume: Joy, Obsession, Scandal, Sin: a cultural history of fragrance from 1750 to the present. Rizzoli, p. 296.

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