Exploring scent as
a creative way of life

Christophe Laudamiel

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The perfumer makes materials and qualities of materials dance to his or her tune; he or she wrestles with infinitesimal or voluminous quantities; and he or she is an expert juggler of human emotions. ln short, he or she is an accomplished architect, except that the resulting work is appreciated by one’s nose rather than one’s eyes, and the effect on the mind becomes as powerful if not more. One by one the perfumer arranges notes, like a composer, or stones, panels and beams, like an architect, until the ensemble produces an incalculable sensation.

Christophe Laudamiel
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Laudamiel, C. (2007). Creative Processes in Perfumery. In F. Berthoud, F. Ghozland, & S. d’Auber (Eds.), Stakes & professions in perfumery (pp. 97–103). Toulouse, France: Editions d’Assalit, p. 102.

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A perfumer is someone who masters the behaviour and the perception of volatile molecules by the nose and the brain.

Christophe Laudamiel
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Laudamiel, C. (2010). Perfumery—The Wizardy of Volatile Molecules. In A. Herrmann (Ed.), The Chemistry and Biology of Volatiles (pp. 291–305). Wiley, p. 298.

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